Friday, June 28, 2024

Tuna Fish Salad

 Okay, everyone knows how to make tuna fish salad.  Mix some mayonnaise with some canned tuna, bam, done.  Maybe some pickles added in.

However, there are a lot more things you can do to it, to add flavor, texture, and nutrition.  I have honed my recipe over many years, taking bits and pieces from various recipes I liked, until I ended up with what I will share here with you - and I really love the result.  It is, in my opinion, the best tuna fish salad, and I have had a number of other people agree with me.

This recipe will be somewhat less precise than most.  A lot of how much of this or that to add comes down to personal preference.  So play around with it until you find the magic ratios for your tastes!

It is also for a very large batch. We like it a lot, and eat it almost nonstop besides dinner for about a week, at which point it starts to taste not quite as good, so it's the right size for us.  It is also conveniently proportioned for pre-prepared ingredients, but you can make smaller batches, of course - you just have to do more chopping.